Frequently Asked Questions about Ribbon Lites

Here are many frequently, common asked questions and their answers about Ribbon Lites, if your question is not covered here, we always welcome you to contact us and we will be more than happy to assist with any of your questions.

Do Ribbon Lites come with batteries?

NO, Ribbon Lites do not include batteries, you need 3 x AA Alkaline Batteries per Ribbon Lite, they are replaceable.

We supply Ribbon Lites in 1.25 metre lengths (50″) in 8 colours and 2 metre length (78″) in white only.

In all of our testing the balloons we tested floated much longer than the Ribbon Lites batteries lasted, below is a guide for you.
16″ (45cm ) Helium filled latex balloons with Ultra Hi Float® added – floated for more than 4 days easily.
22″ (54cm ) Helium filled bubble balloon – floated for more than 2 weeks.
3ft ( 90cm ) Helium filled bubble balloon – floated for more than a week with Ultra Hi Float® added and without Hi Float, more than 3 days.

In our testing using Target® brand, Kirkland® brand and other brands of Alkaline AA batteries, the Ribbon Lites have lasted 72 hours bright, we state 48 hours bright to be safe.

Ribbon Lites will last for more than 48 hours bright with Alkaline AA batteries and they can be re-used by replacing the batteries.

No. Ribbon Lites are water resistant but not waterproof. If used in floral arrangements and happen to be sprayed with water this will not affect the Sparkle Heart. Sparkle Hearts are not designed to be waterproof and as such the water will damage the inner workings and make them unusable.
Do not ever expose the battery pack to water, this must be kept in a dry location at all times.

No, Ribbon Lites are only 4.5 volts and L.E.D lights burn cold, they do not get hot when they work.

We strongly advise you remove the AA batteries if you are going to store Ribbon Lites, they will store for years without batteries
If you want to re-use the batteries, you can, but as we do not know which brand you are going to use, shelf life and function time will vary.

The listings on the website are how this product is sold, we don’t offer a mixed pack, but we do offer multicoloured.

Yes , but you will need to contact us first so that we can create a special pricing for you, depending on your quantity.

All of our products contain no Phthalates, no lead, no mercury and we follow the most stringent possible standards in the manufacture of our products.

Yes, we ship worldwide if you order online & we have fixed price shipping for International orders. If there is not a distributor in your Country, we want to be sure that you are able to purchase our products, so we offer this service. If there are distributors in your Country, we are more than happy to advise you who they are. If you would like to distribute Sparkle Lites® products in your Country or know of someone who you think should, we would be more than happy to provide information on the distribution options that are available.
International shipping takes 10 to 14 days unless a faster method is required, such as Fedex, where additional costs will apply.